Welcome to Hanford Laton Church of the Nazarene
One Family, Two Languages---Una Familia, Dos Linguas

Rooted in Christ, Growing in Grace, Serving in Love. We are an intergenerational church with a traditional flair and eternal relevance. There's room for you to heal, help others, and live a commitment to be Christlike in community.

Arraigados en Cristo, creciendo en gracia, sirviendo en amor. Somos una iglesia intergenracional con un estilo tradicional y relevancia eterna. Hay un lugar para que puedas sanar, ayudar a otros y vivir el compromiso de ser como Cristo en comunidad. 


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Need Prayer?
God knows...We care

We believe that God hears and answers prayer--not always in the way we wish, but always for our best.
It's not magic, after all! It's opening our hearts to the presence and action of our all-knowing God.
We also believe that sharing our prayer concerns with others is comforting and effective. If you'd like to share your prayer requests with us, click the button to leave a message. We will respond with a message of encouragement and faith as we pray together.

Pray with Me
Worship Service
Join us this Sunday at 10:45
Laton California
6258 E. Murphy Ave.
Kids Program
Kids are welcome at all services